The coronavirus pandemic is turning the world on its ear. It is serious and we all need to pay attention and do everything we can to protect ourselves and not become a transmitter. Many of us will be working from home, schools will be canceled or going on-line. None of us caused this pandemic but we will all be impacted by it.
As is often said, “I can’t control the world, but I can manage my response to it.” And so I’d like to encourage everyone to stop for a second and think. How can you respond to what’s going on right now and find a way to be as proactive as possible despite what is happening outside your control.
Here are 3 proactive choices to consider that would allow you to find the silver lining in the midst of this crisis.
1. Be active! Yes, you can still get outside, jog, walk, do garden work in your yard etc. Another option is to consider signing up for an online yoga class. for instance has a free 2-week trial! (I am not paid by them to tell you this!) Sign up and take a class every day. Yoga will help your stress levels as you deal with what’s going on. Got kids? Include them in this. They’re stressed too and yet, they don’t have the capacity to know how to figure out how to deal with it! They’re depending on you and exercise is a great stress reliever for the whole family. Turn the yoga trial into a fun exploration. Let every child find a class that they think will be great. The silver lining? At the end of this crisis you’ll have a regular home exercise program going!
2. Communicate! Reach out and talk to others. No one knows how to deal with this surreal situation we’re all in but talking to others can help. But make sure your conversations are focused on positive things you’re doing and encourage them to look for positive things too. Ooh…in reference to #1, encourage them to exercise and stay active too! The silver lining? At the end of the crisis you’ll have created a network of support.
3. Financial concerns — take the bull by the horn. If you happen to be in a position where your paycheck has stopped or you are otherwise financially challenged, remember — you didn’t cause this crisis that has put you in this situation. If bills can’t be paid next month, take the bull by the horn and call these companies NOW. If you can’t pay your rent — call your landlord and explain why. Send them a letter documenting you’ve lost your job, been put on furlough etc. This gives them the opportunity to prepare and it will reduce your stress. You might even learn that they’re understanding and accepting this strange set of circumstances and will accommodate you. Don’t wait til March 30th, do it today. Oooh…in reference to #2, share with others to communicate directly about their financial issues too! The silver lining? By doing this immediately, you’ll likely make the next two weeks of this crisis far more pleasant since this isn’t hanging over your head.
We are all in this together. As disrupting as this current situation is, we can choose to manage it as proactively as possible. This crisis will be gone soon enough but by choosing to be proactive, you’ll be able to look back at it and see the positives that have emerged and say, “There really was a silver lining in this after all.”